Чехлы для матрацев, Георгиевск

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Компания Смитта, ООО (Георгиевск) является зарегистрированным поставщиком на сайте BizOrg.su. Вы можете приобрести товар Чехлы для матрацев, расчеты производятся в ₽. Если у вас возникли проблемы при заказе товара, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом нам через форму обратной связи.

Описание товара

You usually lay down in a cold bed being unable to fall asleep at once. Therefore, the bed as well as the mattress requires being warmed.
A mattress case put on a mattress detains heat and creates a favorable for a dream microclimate together with a duvet. A mattress case makes the dream come more quickly and pass more comfortably. Made of a natural sheep skin, it carries out not only a practical, but also a medical function. Fur fibers do micro massage of a body and also contain lanolin (a natural antiseptic used in cosmetology) due to which both blood circulation and metabolism improve. While sleeping a person loses up to 300 ml of moisture as a result of perspiration.
The wool absorbs moisture seven times more quickly than any other textile fibre keeping a body dry and warm.
As bed-clothes sheep skins have been used since ancient times. It was Hippokrat who advised to nurse patients on skins of animals choosing sheepskins as the most preferable. This recommendation has been confirmed by the American doctors. They advise everyone afflicted with bedsores to lay on sheep skins without a bedsheet. Absorbing excessive moisture and enriching skin with lanolin products from sheepskin eliminate bedsores and prevent from appearing new ones.

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Чехлы для матрацев