Essential oil of pine ordinary, Новосибирск

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 01.02.2022;
  • Уникальный идентификатор - 23044733;
  • Предложение было просмотрено - 31;
Выбираете, где выгоднее заказать услугу или купить товар? “Essential oil of pine ordinary”, цену уточняйте. Предложение имеет статус в наличии.

Описание товара

Clear, colorless or pale yellow liquid with a thin, crisp, spicy, resinous, woody, balsamic aroma, reminiscent of camphor.

Country of Origin - Siberian region, Russia

Composition: The main components are cadinene and bornylacetate. In its structure there are also pinene, carene, Sylvester, terpineol, phellandrene, limonene, dipentene, myrcene, camphor, nylon and anisaldehyde, resin acids.

Application: The antiseptic and expectorant properties of pine oil make it an indispensable tool for colds, colds and more serious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Arthritis, low back pain and scoliosis saves analgesic pine oil property, and in addition, it weakens the muscle spasms. Thanks hemostatics property, Scots pine essential oil helps in wounds and deep cuts, contributing to the early decontamination and regeneration of tissues. Also, oil is useful as a diuretic and a remedy for inflammation of the urinary system.

Характеристики Essential oil of pine ordinary

  • — Вид эфирного масла:: Сосна

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Essential oil of pine ordinary