Тарелка BOSPHORUS Master Ride 20", Москва
Описание товара
The Bosphorus Master Series ride cymbal features a range of warm, dark, and buttery tones that re-create the historic vintage sound of early jazz, blues, and big-band music. This ride cymbal offers a mellow, woody ping with a soft, giving feel when played. Its small, shallow bell along with its slightly curved profile offers the player a smoky wash of undertones that support articulate stick work and definition. This Bosphorus ride cymbal is completely handmade from the casting process through the final hammering (not one hammer mark is made by a machine). Second, the alloy is from an ancient formula passed down by first generation cymbal smiths which give this ride cymbal a soft, "played-in" feel. Finally, the Bosphorus Ride Cymbal is much thinner than today's heavier weighted cymbals. Simply put, today's medium weight is much heavier than a medium weight cymbal in 1950. Another testimony to Bosphorus Cymbals' weight is the characteristic "ripple" made by the cymbal's edge when played. Bosphorus Cymbals Master Series Ride Cymbal Features: Completely handmade and hand-hammered Ancient alloy formula Mellow woody ping with a soft smoky wash Your search for that vintage feel and sound is over. Order this ride today.
The search for vintage cymbals has finally ended. Like all Bosphorus Cymbals, the Master Series are completely hand made. From the casting process through the final hammering, not one step is relegated to a machine. The alloy is from an ancient formula passed down by many generations of cymbal smiths; it gives these instruments a soft, "played-in" feel. Most importantly, the Master Series cymbals are much thinner than today's heavier weighted cymbals. You?ll see the characteristic "wobble" made by the cymbal's edge when played. Listen for the woody stick sound and the deep mysterious tone. Feel the dark warm spread underneath. Unlock your creative potential and explore new levels of expression with genuine handcrafted musical instruments from Bosphorus. Model: M20R-1700 Weight: 1700g
The search for vintage cymbals has finally ended. Like all Bosphorus Cymbals, the Master Series are completely hand made. From the casting process through the final hammering, not one step is relegated to a machine. The alloy is from an ancient formula passed down by many generations of cymbal smiths; it gives these instruments a soft, "played-in" feel. Most importantly, the Master Series cymbals are much thinner than today's heavier weighted cymbals. You?ll see the characteristic "wobble" made by the cymbal's edge when played. Listen for the woody stick sound and the deep mysterious tone. Feel the dark warm spread underneath. Unlock your creative potential and explore new levels of expression with genuine handcrafted musical instruments from Bosphorus. Model: M20R-1700 Weight: 1700g
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