Rubber tile production plant, Тольятти

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Описание товара

Sagama Toro is environmentally safe production of tile which is made from rubber crumb. Sagama Toro has three special aspects of production: Sagama’s unique technology, computer-integrated manufacturing and several types products manufacturing. Rubber tiles is leader among the materials used to create walkways and garden paths, playgrounds and sports fields, building surrounding grounds, swimming pools and water parks, animal welfare and many other surfaces and applications.

Advantages of Sagama rubber tile Production Line:

1. Environmental friendly production

2. Hot-pressing technology increases the speed of production at the same time save quality of product

3. Rubber tile is cushioning, hard-wearing, slip-resistant and spike resistant

4. The price and durability of our products results in huge long term cost savings in the area of playground maintenance

5. Safety tile is weather resistant, durable and water permeable

6. Tile can withstand the weight of large equipment (for example at children’s playground)

Характеристики Rubber tile production plant

  • — Страна производитель: Россия
  • — Бренд: Sagama Toro

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Rubber tile production plant