Ветровые электрогенераторы мощностью 3 kW, Санкт-Петербург
Описание товара
Качество и долговечность!
With 3kW of power, SL-30 was mainly created to perfectly meet the energetic needs of both domestic and industrial small/medium appliances. Used as part of a series, SL-30 can create large systems. These are excellent for supporting activities with larger energy needs such as country hotels, seaside resorts, small and medium enterprises, factories, as well as private appliances.
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Manufacturing of photovoltaic systems
Knowledge of energetic engineering, design experience and professionalism achieved in the field are a few of the elements which have enabled, and will continue to enable, En-eco to successfully produce a high number of photovoltaics. En-eco deals with every phase of manufacturing, from the initial survey and estimate to the receipt of funding.
Manufacture of wind power systems
En-eco has extensive knowledge of its field and creates mini wind power systems requiring the use of Sky Line turbines. These systems can be made of individual units if installed near urban or suburban areas. Multiple unit set ups are usually used in high energy production areas such as industrial coverings or fields of mini wind systems.
Maintenance and assistance service
Thanks to its vast experience in systems manufacture, En-eco has been able to create a comprehensive and efficient maintenance and assistance service. This system deals with information through simple automation, reporting eventual anomalies in real time. The En-eco Eservice team is therefore able to monitor each installed system and, in the event of performance related issues, promptly provides technical assistance thus minimizing operational risks and loss of profitability.
Design service
Thanks to its staff of qualified engineers and technicians with years of experience in the field, En-eco is able to assist its clients in designing and creating complex systems for the production of energy from renewable sources. Such systems include energy shelters, systems of production from hybrid sources, systems for the production of off-grid energy and solutions for urban decoration (car ports, solar canopies) etc.
Характеристики ветровых электрогенераторов мощностью 3 kW
- — Страна производитель: Италия
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Служебная информация
«Ветровые электрогенераторы мощностью 3 kW» относится к категории: «Ветрогенераторы».
Предложение было создано 01.09.2013, дата последнего обновления - 01.09.2013.
За все время предложение было просмотрено 1227 раз.